What is Worship?
can be defined as intimacy. Intimacy is defined as something of a personal or private
nature; to communicate delicately; belonging to or characterizing one’s deepest
nature; marked by a warm friendship developing through long association.
who should we be intimate with, or should I ask who did God intend for us to be
intimate with?
was created to be with one person, our spouse and to do so to be fruitful and
multiply. In our intimate time with God we should become fruitful in our
spirits and in our lives. There should be expansion in our growth in the spirit
and manifestation of growth in our natural lives. It should be so evident that
others should be able to see. There is no way a woman can become pregnant and
look and do the same things before bringing forth fruit. There is a change in a
woman’s attitude, diet, appetite and appearance. There’s even a difference in
the way she views her environment. She notices those things can threaten her
seed. She is very careful with how she maneuvers
her way through life’s obstacles. True worship does the exact same thing in our
spirits. The spirit of God impregnates us and we have no other choice but to
change. We should then begin to protect the seed God has placed in our spirit
and be careful about how we carry what God had blessed us with.
Why is intimacy so
In the
natural, sex is a form of communication and brings a union closer emotionally
and physically. It keeps our relationship fresh and on fire. Without intimacy
in marriage the relationship has a void or emptiness and it invites the enemy
to tempt you to fulfill that void elsewhere. The same principle happens in our
spirits when we fail to have intimate worship with God. There is a definite
void in our relationship with Christ and we begin to look for everything else
to fill the hole found in our spirits instead of yielding ourselves to the Holy
Spirit in worship. Just talking to your mate isn’t enough to satisfy the
natural needs of our bodies. Prayer isn’t enough for God either. Worship causes us to fall deeper in love with
Him on another level.
In our
marriage one can desire to be intimate and the other can be busy in other
affairs or have other things pressing
their minds. In those cases one has to be encouraged to do so. Your Spirit can
desire to worship when our flesh is worn out, tired, frustrated and even just
not in the mood, but this is when the Spirit of God that lives in you can
prompt you to worship through song, words, and even a thought about how awesome
God has been. The lover of our soul desires to be intimate with his people.
during our time of intimacy we don’t care what we look like, sound like, what
we say and sometimes where we are. J So, why are
we selective when it comes to worship and our personal time with God? After worship we feel lighter, strengthened,
and free. Just like in the natural spending time with someone and sharing leads
to intimacy. We should to spend time in conversation to begin worshipping God
in Spirit and in truth. This is how God designed it. Just talking to God in public settings isn’t enough,
corporate prayer is needed but personal time is vital to the health of our walk
and relationship in with our savior Jesus Christ!
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