Thursday, January 3, 2013

Catch the Vision

It’s a brand new year, more importantly it’s a brand new day. God has given us another chance to get it right. We have yet another opportunity to set things in order. Husbands, this post is particularly for us. God has made us the heads of our homes. This doesn’t mean dictator it means head. The head is where the eyes, ear, and mouth are located.  Through us God has given our family vision. The Lord will speak directly to us concerning our home. The Word for our household comes through you and me as the head. Ephesians 5:23 reads, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body”.  Paul wrote this that we might have clarity of our position. Now, before we get all puffy in the chest, we have to understand the grand responsibility of this role.

God didn’t put us here because we’re strong or look good. We are by no means a figure head in our homes. God holds us accountable for that which He has charged us. Let’s take a look at the beginning. In the book of Genesis, prior to God “forming” Eve in the flesh He spoke to Adam giving him instructions on how to conduct himself in the garden. God made it clear to Adam what was expected of him. The Lord even laid out the consequences for disobedience. He gave Adam the vision for his home. It was Adam’s responsibility to later convey that vision to his wife. At the time Eve was not present in flesh, which confirms to us that this conversation was between man and God however, greatly impacted the entire home. The Bible never shows us where this conversation ever happened, however a few things offer room to suggest it did. The vision God gave Adam was three fold in addressing the three areas of man; spirit, soul, and flesh. In Genesis 1:28-30, God dealt with the spirit in regards to purpose, dominion, and provision. In Genesis 2:7 God gave Adam’s soul life. The soul of a man is made up of his mind, will and emotions. We can call that the process center. He gave man the ability to think and feel; he gave him intuition.  Lastly in Genesis 2:8-17 God dealt with the flesh of the man. This is where God gave Adam a place to fulfill the vision; he gave him nourishment, pleasure, boundaries and instruction (He told him to and not to do). Remember, all of this pertains to vision. That which God gives us for our home will be everything we need. It will deal with every area of our life. If the vision does not cover every area, it is incomplete. I would encourage you, if you have not already done so, spend some time with God and understand what He expects for you. Some of us are in a great deal of lack because we aren’t carrying out what God has intended for our lives. After God gave Adam the vision He gave him a help meet. He gave Him a wife to help him carry out the vision. God did a great thing with this woman, He finished her with wisdom. She can be found in Proverbs 31. Shes here to help us work the plan. She is very much a part of the equation so we can not count her out. Be careful to run the vision past her. She may see holes that we don't see. She could very well hold the ansers to the questions we may not know to ask. She is vital. We can not omit her.

Let’s step away from Genesis for a few. Gentlemen, once we have clarity, we have to communicate the vision. Habakkuk 2:2 teaches us to write this vision and make it plain, that they may run that read it. This is important because it puts everyone on the same sheet of music. Not to mention as the days go on we may need a little reminding. The vision is what keeps our homes alive. Proverbs 29:18 says,” Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”  In communicating the vision we also have to understand that while the vision is complete it is yet only in “Part”. Sounds like an oxymoron…. Let me explain. Remember that God dealt with all three parts of man in casting the vision to Adam. All three parts play vital roles in bringing the vision to fruition. They have to work together; they have to play their “Part”. The “Spirit” was first because it should dominate. This is why God gave the “spirit” of Adam dominion. Side note, this is why trying to dominate with the flesh or intellect doesn’t work. God didn’t give dominion to the flesh. The “Spirit” also knows the purpose (he knows what God wants) and it knows what is needed to accomplish it.  The “Spirit” of man must be the one calling the shots. While the “Spirit” is in control the “Soul” must incline to wisdom and the “Flesh” has to follow instructions. Your “Flesh” cannot drive the vision lest you chase things that aren’t intended. Your “Soul” will not always understand. The ones and twos may not always align. God has a funny mathematical system. This is where faith comes in. Faith will require the three to align in order to be effective. The “Soul” will have to submit to the “Spirit” and since faith without works is dead, the “Flesh” must execute as instructed. God is not in the business of overloading you. At times carrying out this vision will require us to press beyond how we feel. The weight may be heavy, but God will never give us more than we can bear. Notice in creation that God didn’t lay out anything to any part of man before that part of man was prepared for it.

Lastly, we have to commit to the vision. Our families are counting on us to stay the course. Our commitment to the vision does so much as it pertains to the strength of the family. It speaks to the integrity of the man. It says that he is willing to face obstacles and overcome them. When a man commits to something, his family can trust him. They learn to depend on him. Men we have to finish the race. Understand that because God gave it to us, it will require God to complete it. Committing to the vision also means committing to God. I fell in love with this scripture; its helps keep me focused when all hell breaks loose. 2 Timothy 2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. I’ll leave you with this thought. There are many reasons why you may believe you can’t. Because God said do it is the only reason you need to believe you can.


Love you much Brother,

1 comment:

  1. I really love the blog so much and this is a message that I need because I struggle with understanding with what being the head of the household mean. Again it is one of those things you hear, but not many teach what it really means to be the head. I have struggled with being an effective spiritual leader in my house. Thank you for posting this blog. It is really helping me grow as a husband seriously.
